Krátka správa č. 16/2023
Global Surveyors’ Day participation – 21 March 2023
Blahoželáme k dnešnému medzinárodnému dňu geodetov a kartografov!
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
(CLGE Delegates and Partners in Bcc:)
As you know, the Global Surveyors’ Day takes place on 21 March 2023, as every year.
This year FGF, chairing the Forum of Regional Bodies, is taking the lead. The celebration will take place in Paris, at OGE premisses.
Moreover, two online sessions are planned, and you as well as your fellow members can participate for free. Some members have integrated the session in their Continued Professional Development plan. If you are interested in certificates, please contact and me.
Here are the links.
You are advised to connect 15 minutes before the start of the respective sessions. Those who aren’t used to Zoom on the platform from which they will attend, can already test the connection now.
To join any of the online sessions:
Time schedule: 21 March 2023 08:00 AM CET (Paris Time)
Click here: Participer à la réunion Zoom
ID de réunion / ID Meeting: 845 4294 8154
Code secret / Password: 493176
Time schedule: 21 March 2023 20:00 CET (Paris Time)
Cliquez ici / Click here: Participer à la réunion Zoom
ID de réunion / ID Meeting: 880 3394 8569
Code secret / Password: 909213
Jean-Yves Pirlot, CLGE Director General